Add in Your Spirit

What do people want most? Maybe they want to be happy. They want to find value in themselves and they want to do what’s right. People think, what is right for one is wrong for another. People should do their own thing. That is a misconception. In truth, what is right for one is what is right for everyone.  

There is right and there is wrong. If everyone is on the same page, right will work 100% of the time. Here are maybe the most important rights to look for. Support your marriage. Your life partner is worth fighting for. If you are a man, your wife needs your full support, respect, and to be validated. Women used to be used. Today they are equals. See her beauty and have eyes for her and no one else. Take the word, “Divorce” out of your vocabulary. Make it be a non-possibility. If your wife is error prone, so is everyone else. Errors do not matter and should be forgiven on the spot. Always tell the truth. Follow this rule: allow your wife to make a million small errors but neither you or your wife are allowed to make even one big mistake.

     If you are a married lady treat your husband respectfully. Help him along. Give him your ideas and make sure he listens to you. Show him your love and help him express himself. Don’t ever tear him down. You will ruin his ability to defend you. Even if you work and make more money than he does, honor him, he needs that from you because your husband he needs to know that he is successfully taking care of you. Men have a sensitive ego. Do not look at other men or compare your husband to someone else. Look after your marriage. If you are in love, stay in love. Follow this rule. Marry someone you love, remain in love and have your eye on the calendar. Look thirty years ahead, always, and have in mind, my marriage is the best one in the world. Look ahead thirty years from the time you were married and make happen, that you will be in love thirty years out from the wedding at least as much as you were the time you got married. Follow this rule: allow your husband to make a million small errors but neither you or your husband are allowed to make even one big mistake.             

     Abide by the rules. Follow right and stay away from wrong. Do not lie or steal. Make for yourself good priorities. It is best to believe in G-d and follow the order of behavior set out for you in your holy books. If you are satisfied with your religion, stick with it. If you cannot believe in your religion or G-d because of something that happened to you or because of the way you were raised, you have your work to do. Don’t give into a feeling you have inside that means to you, people who are religious need a crutch, or they believe in something that’s not real, or there is a G-d but man made up religions, or I cannot find one that suits me, or I follow my own drummer, or religious people are hypocrites, or any other way of thinking or feeling that keeps you away from G-d. All religious follow ways that are good for the many. There is a reason that G-d has given each religion it’s vitality. Find the reason you need and don’t walk away from G-d. You are living through a time in history that the world has waited for since the beginning.