A visitation that makes a difference

    Today is Friday, August 21st, 2020. On August 17th and August 18th this week, I made trips to Tiberius, Israel from my home in Tzfat, passing through an area in Israel important to Christians. It is near the north shore of the Sea of Galilei. There is also a town on the way named Magdala.  

     I have had an Erie feeling passing by through towns in the past but this time it was different. At some point during the day on Tuesday, August, 18th, there was a change. In a similar to the way I experienced Anna Frank, I experienced the visitation of another spirit. It was a female that came with lovely feelings. I noticed that there were similarities and differences between the two and that made me more inquisitive. Instead of dismissing this spirit which was an option I chose to let it stay, not knowing if that was the correct decision. If it needed something or if I needed something that keeping this spirit inside would be the best choice. 

     This was the spirit of a Jewish woman that lived in the area, hence that is why her spirit continues to be there. She was a figure highly important to early Christianity because she was there. I didn’t know if it would be correct for me to ask questions or let her relate to me as she would. I decided it was best to defer to her, that is the way to relate to spirits. I did not know if this spirit would communicate or just stay put. At night in bed, I woke me up a number of times, it was in pain and what it felt, I felt to some extent. 

     This spirit could not communicate with me by words. It could have been my problem caused by me lacking the ability to understand what she was communicating but maybe not. Her feelings were strong and there was a way for her to communicate with me through a specific feeling that included an understanding. I could ask questions and she could respond to me through feelings and with that, a message that is an answer. The stronger the feeling, the stronger the validity of the information would feel.  

     At the beginning I came to know that that the name the spirit went by when she lived is not the name people call her by today. I communicated that I did not know her real name but I could not find that information out. In the Cristian Bible she is referred to as Mary Magdaline. She joined a group of people who were close and admirers of a speaker and teacher we know today as Jes-. It appears but I do not know for sure that that was not his name. 

     Mary spirit suffers today due to  things she went though while she lived. It was not clear to me if she suffers, partly because of her personal choices. She let me know that she suffers because of what she went through. 

     Mary communicated that certain things that are important for us to know. Her strongest communication was, she continues to love Jes- with an abundance of love and respect. He became her life. They were never married. Jes- was a serious person who took his work to heart over anything else including having a relationship with Mary. 

     Mary’s pain stems from the way she was treated by others and the death of Jes-. People in the group want to learn all they could but there was also a desire to be respected in the group. There was a power struggle. Mary did not participate in that in the desires of the group, she did not try to establish herself one way or another. Yet the group did not trust her and did not want to include her because she did not want to follow their requests. It seems, she  felt alone but she found Jes- and his teachings to be just what she was looking for. It is was not clear how long she was part of the group. 

     It seems, but it was not communicated to me with strength, that Jes- thought something important would happen with his teachings in the future. It does not seem likely that he would have pictured the birth and expanse Christianity would take in world history, and most likely, he did not know a world religion would evolve from it. People joined him because he taught behavior and expectations of G-d and there were those who missed that. It is likely that he did not see himself as the Messiah, but someone who others needed. People who joined him wanted to learn how to be close to G-d and at a time in history even right and wrong was unclear for many. It seems, Jes- did not imagine there would be an extended exile that would last for two thousand years but I am not sure of that. 

     It seems, Mary enjoyed the time in the Gallilie but not the time in Jerusalem. She did not communicate what lead up to Jes- death. Mary communicated that the others in the group gave her instructions to not stay close to Jes- after he had been sentenced. She chose to not listen to them. For that she gained their disrespect and the group dropped her. The death was exceedingly painful and being dropped from the group was also terribly painful. There was no member of the group who was able to take over the leader’s position. That meant that the group did not continue as it had been. I communicated that in history, it is written, Mary saw Jes- as if he was alive after his died. She communicated, but less strong, and with some anger, “That didn’t happen.” It is not clear how this point of view, that she saw Jes- as if he was alive, ever was started. She had nothing to do with the group afterwards so she had no support. 

     I related to Mary as a Jew. She did not wish to be thought of as a girl, only as a person. She was a Jew who wanted to find G-d and that is like many of us today. If fact, if we remove our technological devices, cultural differences, the difference in language, and more barbaric behaviors, people felt the same as they do today. They looked back in history as the days of old. 

     For Mary, there was loneliness, and power struggles. Yet in her time, there was less competition than there is today. There were the same struggles, people wanted love, and they hated violence. I she lived in our generation, she would one who searches, she would enjoy those who she could trust and she might see a kind of freedom she could only dream about in her day. She would also see a dramatic decline in our ability to be close to G-d.                                             

     I was able to do something for her. I prayed that the pain she is continuing to go through as a result of a bitter situation and a unrequited love be removed so her soul can rest peacefully. If found that as I prayed for her, she was strongly there with me. May it be that this time, the beginning of Elul be a time for this prayer to rise and help for eternity.