What’s Next?

an article on Spirituality May 17, 2020 Just after Lock Down -Tzfat  In light of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic      Considering our entire world, some of us are still in lockdown. Some of us aren’t. Some of us are maintaining lockdown out of fear because people …

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you have options 

an article on Spirituality May 1, 2020 In Lock Down -Ramat Bet Shemesh  In light of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic        We always have options because right and wrong are not always clear. Here is a rule to use when the correct choice to make is …

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Welcome to Centerville 

an article on Spirituality 4/30/2020 In Lock Down – Ramat Bet Shemesh In light of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic    During the days of black and white television shows there was a popular science fiction show named The Twilight Zone. One of the episodes was about a …

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The Queen and I

An article on Spirituality 4/29/2020 In Lock Down -Ramat Bet Shemesh  In light of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic       On July 29, 1981 Lady Diana Spencer married the heir to the British throne Prince Charles. It was one of the most celebrated weddings in history. Soon …

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