Figure it Out

April 4th, 2020

   Four people stood together and one question was asked. Did G-d create it all? No, one said, and that is why I am secular. Yes and no, stated the second to answer, I believe in intelligent design. Life is simply too complex and amazing for me to believe it sprouted up into this form on its own. Yes, answered another saying I believe in the Bible. Yes, says the fourth and he states a prolonged opinion. He says, I take a different approach. What I detect is that a single G-d created everything. That G-d is our Creator, and He has a plan. His plan has the objective of creating life and developing it. It is unlike the creation of fully developed items, standing in their completed state across time. In our world, everything changes. Weather beats away at rock formations and erodes them. There is birth, change and death. No physical item exists in its completed state throughout time and existence. Everything moves and shifts. A human inhabits a spot for one moment and then moves to another. That is how we exist. 

     In a way, life is similar to the showing of a movie. But a movie is made up of frames, each having a slightly different image than the previous one. A movie can be stopped on a frame and remain there. Life is far superior to that. There are no frames. What we have is incapable of being stopped. Nothing but G-d can stop it, change its speed, or affect it in any way. We call this life. The place is the world. The stars of the film are all that we see and that we don’t. The plot is change. The characteristic of this is that it is befuddling. It could be figured out if one could stop it and study it close up. Since life is continuous, it cannot be scrutinized and figured out. Every time one thinks he is on to something, it changes, someone says something new, and once more one feels befuddled. The objective of life is creation and its name might be, “Figure it out.” Figure it out is a collage of communications coming in from everywhere. Each human is given a tiny smattering of information, just enough to wet the tongue. That boosts four emotional states: curiosity, worry, competition, and insecurity. The plot in Figure it out is, figure out your experience, look at your choices and behaviors, and right your wrongs because they surround you. Those who favor curiosity, seek information at all costs. Those who favor worry, hold themselves back from figuring it out. Those that favor competition are out to win, no matter how much others they affect will get hurt. Those who favor insecurity will seek information and feel uncomfortable at the same time. They will worry about themselves as they compete with others. Yes, most all of us favor insecurity. It is a rare person who will figure it out, saying, my purpose is to right my wrongs, make better choices, improve things, and have a positive effect on those that surround me. I will do that.        

     The fourth person continues speaking by bringing up the question: why do people fail at figuring it out? It is because what they see and experience, surrounds their thoughts but because of curiosity, worry, competition, and insecurity it eludes them. They don’t get it. Instead, they perceive that someone else does. Due to curiosity they act, thinking, I need to find out what another knows so I can get it. They worry, having the thought, maybe I am missing something that I need to do. That brings on a need for competition and one thinks, I lust for information, I will find it, no matter what. One’s insecurity brings him into considering the thought, there is information but I am not receiving it. It is costing me, but I do not even know what it is costing me because I do not know what it is. 

     Opinions are everywhere and they tear away at stability and unification. That is why the world is social. We want insights others have and they come out though communication. Then we make choices. There are various opinions and that leads people into controversy. Opinions are at the crux of every argument. Why do these four people look at life so differently related to the question, “Did G-d create it all?” Based on the emotion they favor and the ones they don’t, they created their opinions. The first to speak says I’m secular, the second believes in intelligent design, the third reads and listens to others but seldom thinks on his own, and the fourth, what drives him to think and think and think. Let us say, that individual believes he can’t afford to become stuck in place because at every moment, he notices that something around him has changed. Over and over he thinks, now it’s different, I need a penetrating stare into creation to explain things. The other three people, see no movement. To them, people move about but they are fully developed items, standing in their completed states across time. They may say, life moves on but they see a world that stands still, on its own, maybe in its completed state. Maybe it was created, things change, but it is simply here. Maybe it created itself. Maybe in all four cases, “Figure it out” can be obtained, but how?

     Who will figure it out? At times, one will pull away his smattering of information. He removes his small choppy thoughts. He looks beyond the clutter that lies in a lie. The real thoughts the brain has, come out. They are expansive and vast, there is a world of colors, of land and water, ideas and challenges, and what lies beyond. They are beautiful. Then he discovers that what man looks at does not make sense. Man is stuck, chasing after four ugly categories of emotion that undermine him, taking him away from seeing, just seeing. G-d creates everything, He is the designer and maintainer of a greatness, of intelligence, of an incredible creation. He is continuously in action, putting things together, and for what? He sees it, He loves it. He loves life itself. G-d says, dig down, reach high, there I am. Then almost magically, an individual pulls away the four states of emotion that blind him and he figures it out. He decides, I will right my wrongs. Life moves, I have limited time, it’s now. He perceives of G-d. Then there is growth. What did not make sense, makes sense, and he is ready to right his wrongs. He gives credit to G-d who is the only creator because without G-d man cannot create. 

     Psalm 30 is the foundation for these thoughts but they are abstract and presented in a general format. We read, ‘G-d, be my helper. You have changed for me, my lament into dancing. You untied my sackcloth and girded me with gladness.  So that my soul might make music to You and not be stilled, Hashem my G-d, forever will I thank You.’