The prayer that stands up to covid-19

Just after Lock Down -tzfat 

In light of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic

May 26, 2020

 There is a siddur prayer for everything and anything. That said, there is a prayer we recite each morning, that I believe has the power to bring G-d into action against the Covid-19 virus if it is recited properly with a specific intent. The entire world wants it removed. The prayer is Baruch she’Amar. Although it is an integral part of our morning service, it is recited without the proper focus.   

     One must believe that Covid-19 is being brought to our world by G-d. It is unimportant for us to know the exact reason for it but one should believe improper human behavior is involved. That means this virus is an act of G-d. 

     Baruch She’Amar is a unique prayer of awe and blessings to G-d. It has two distinct sections. The first part is informative and it has blessing, and the second part is a recitation of praises to G-d. The first part interests us because that is where we place our specific intent.   

     The first section tells us that all the we know of, all that we can experience, all that we can sense, and all that we can identify, are creations of G-d and a part of G-d. Both heaven and life on earth are entirely dependent on G-d. There was once no time and no existence. Then G-d created existence.  It says in the first verse of Baruch She’Amar, “Blessed is the One and Only who spoke and the world existed.” When you recite this verse, place yourself before G-d, and think, “You are the creator,” and in the back of your mind, “You are also the cure.”  

    Baruch She’Amar continues by laying out what G-d did and continues to do in our world. Man fits into G-d’s plans. The world is a closed system from this point of view. We are not true creators, we play a role in a long line of creations, and who like all other life forms is being provided for. Another verse of blessing reads, “Blessed is G-d who decrees and performs.” Our recitation of this verse should be focused on what G-d does that no one else can do. He foresees what He will create, He decides what it shall be like, and then He brings that which He originally foresaw into being. Without this entire process, not even a leaf will fall from a tree. Therefore, if one thinks of the Coronavirus or any other illness being a creation of man, or just an accident, or a mistake, that is not true. Man’s part was only a step in the process of creating this lethal pathogen. It was foreseen by G-d, then it was what He decided upon, and then man was given a part in its release. 

     Man can also take a spiritual part in eradicating the virus, by reciting Baruch She’Amar, with intent. Take a moment and prepare your words and feelings, having empathy for those who contract the illness. Recite this prayer with sensitivity, love of others, with concern for everyone, with understanding, being reflective, worry for those who are not ill, and sadness and even mourning for those who became seriously ill or passed away. 

     There are two verses that need our entire attention. They arouse G-d into bringing a cure for the disease. The first is, “Blessed is He who has mercy upon the earth.” Think of earth in the broadest sense. That includes the land, the air, the seas, plants and all life, and all of the scientific laws of nature such as gravity, that provide for life. Think of microscopic life, including bacteria and viruses. Think of viruses as having no life of their own; they reproduce and their only directive is to destroy.  Your aim is to say, “G-d you are the creator of everything a human can think of. Please have mercy on your world and help people get through this virus that is upon the earth. Please take this virus away from the air it travels through from person to person, and that people breath, infecting their bodies. Please remove this virus from surfaces. Many infected people touch surfaces and leave the virus on them. Others touch the same surface and then touch their mouths, nose, or eyes and also become infected. It is understandable that this virus is not meaningless. You created it with a purpose. At this time, please take away its purpose and remove it from the world so people can endure without fear.”

     The next verse of blessing reads, “Blessed is He who has mercy on His creatures.” After reading this blessing have this prayer thought, “G-d, for many people, especially the elderly, families, and minorities, this illness has become their worst nightmare. It has also taken the lives of many rabbis. Please have mercy on us and see our suffering as we go through this virus pandemic. Please bring a speedy end to it. When we practice social distancing, we staying six feet away from others. But when an individual is deathly ill and needs physical and emotional support the most, they stay in bed, in pain, by themselves, with no support, through their last dying breath. Those who pass on that way leave this world feeling abandoned. Those that mourn for them go through traumatic grief. If one’s parent dies that way, how will they ever remove their grief for not being at their parent’s side. There are those who are on ventilators and will likely be connected for the rest of their lives. There are countless thousands who became ill and recovered but will continue to be scared and have lost years of life. May it be your will to remove the Covid-19 virus because you are a merciful G-d who wants life to continue to sprout.” 

     When you finish your personal prayer, focus on sending your prayer through the heavens to the place of G-d. Using your mind’s eye, look towards G-d and say, please accept my prayer because it is only to you that I pray.