The Queen and I

An article on Spirituality


In Lock Down -Ramat Bet Shemesh 

In light of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic  

    On July 29, 1981 Lady Diana Spencer married the heir to the British throne Prince Charles. It was one of the most celebrated weddings in history. Soon afterwards, problems between the royal couple escalated and that lead to hard feelings in the royal family, and scandals at the royal palace the English citizens and people around the world heard about. Eventually the couple divorced. One of the problems behind the scenes was the princess’s trouble growing into the role of princess. What went wrong? Could this tragedy have been avoided?             

     There may be a good answer to these questions but it is hypothetical. Imagine princess Diana requesting and receiving an appointment to speak with the queen the day after her marriage. She asks her royal highness, please explain to me my role as princess; I want to put my new responsibilities together with the person I have grown up to be. What do I do to be the person you require of me, a wonderful wife to the prince, a loving mother to our future children, the princess that stands before England and the world, and not lose myself in the process? I want to do everything right from the beginning. 

    The queen would have been deeply moved. If Princess Diana would have followed the words she heard from the queen, she would have made a fine name for herself in English royalty, she would have had a happy marriage, and people all of the world would have looked up to her as a storybook figure, a life model of success. People would have wanted the facts on her so they could follow in her footsteps. 

     In a similar vein, but even more pronounced, each morning all of us have the opportunity Princess Diana could have had.  Everyday is a new beginning. Life is new and opportunities lie before us. We are not the same person we were the day before. During your morning prayers, your time to be with the King of Kings, ask G-d this question. Please explain to me my role as a holy Jew. I want to put my responsibilities together with the person I have grown up to be. What do I do to be the person you require of me, a Jew who is learned in Torah, a wonderful partner to my spouse, a loving parent to my children, a loving and beloved, respectful and respected person to others, and not lose myself in the process? 

     G-d has the answer. He might say, do not put your desires for yourself above other factors. Do not be impulsive. Become familiar with your responsibilities and those around you that will be of help. Call upon them and find out how they can help. Before using it, think things through. Decide, are they correct? What is right and what is wrong. Then make up your mind on the way you will follow. You may have to shift course. Be true to yourself. Know for a fact that G-d is behind you at all times. Don’t embarrass Him by making foolish choices, making sins. Never be afraid to tell the truth, even if you imagine that the truth will get you in trouble because living by the truth is the right thing to do. Pay attention to all laws, the Torah laws and state laws. Do not compromise. At the same time, be true to yourself. Know what are your needs and what are your wants. Stand up for your needs and when you have the opportunity enjoy the things you want. In that way, G-d will be there and you will have it all.