What’s Next?

an article on Spirituality

May 17, 2020

Just after Lock Down -Tzfat 

In light of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic

     Considering our entire world, some of us are still in lockdown. Some of us aren’t. Some of us are maintaining lockdown out of fear because people are still getting sick from the Coronavirus and some are going everywhere and not even paying attention to the rules. Why are we doing what we do? Those who are out there living life as before believe the virus is on its way out rapidly. The others think we are in this for the long haul. Should we say nobody knows? 

     That would not be wise. It would be more correct to bring light down and in that lies our answer. This is what I received some minutes ago from the spirit of Anna Frank who is in heaven and sees more than we do.   

     She says, what is happening today is not for the good. It is harmful and it takes away soul and happiness. We cannot make anything work to fix things up, to end this pandemic because we are not connecting enough to our source of life to all that is spiritual. That can mean we do not make choices, behave, pray, maintain marriages, think right, and consider others, and all the other things we can do which brings connection of the heart and mind to the spiritual. Let us say that the spiritual means, to that which exists in the upper world and together with that, to G-d. We are the cause of what we are experiencing now. Our way of behaving is causing the downward flow of energies Anna calls “Bad, bad, being going into lifelessness.” 

     The choices many of us are making at this crucial time in history are wrong. For instance, since there is a pandemic happening worldwide it is the wrong time to go to the beach. The outcome of this choice, that more people will get sick is not the strongest reason. The problem is, a flow of negative energies will continue to affect everyone. It is like saying to G-d, “Try and stop me.” We will not like seeing the outcome of our poor choices. We will continue seeing this virus happen over and over. 

     Here is the news and it is meaningful. This is the way G-d will work things out this time. He will steal away all that makes goodness, the positive shefa coming to the world. Think of stealing as withholding. It seems to mean, the goodness that is sent into our world due to those who connect with spirit will be removed from downward flow. Enjoyment, incomes, new homes, and plans that come true, will be withheld, maybe more than usual. Anna says, that which would be plentiful will not be for all. If you do lovely mitzvoth, and we are taught, they affect the world for good, you will not find that happening. The outcomes of righteous acts may affect those who do them for good, but not the world. Therefore, do not think things are going the way they are often put in the news, that things are changing for the good. That will not happen right now. How long is ‘right now’? That answer was not shared. The way G-d works is to not give us answers like that. At this time in history, it makes perfect sense that the time this pandemic and related problems will be over is withheld. It is not up to us. We should be aware that those who strive for good in spite of flagrant behaviors people do everywhere will not be left behind, you will receive your shefa.  

     Do what you do: Learn Torah, think of others, call to Hashem, learn from Rabbis in tune with spirituality and marriage, and uphold your marriages for that is what will make your life different.